Once upon a time… In the Fairy Forest…There was a suitcase…

CoraMaezy, doll, making things, Uncategorized

This suitcase. Spotted on Facebook Marketplace.  Crazy. I have a ton of older suitcases, interesting cases, but this one… So off I went.

A beauty? Are you inspired?
Inspired now? Oh. My. Someone had already pulled out all the innards
from Come Follow Me by Gyo Fujikawa, one of my favorite illustrators . . .
Building an insert out of cardboard . . .
My assistants helping me figure out how to line the case with burlap. . .
Building the first tree out of cardboard . . .
Building the tree trunk, more cardboard fun. Paper mache soon to be removed….
Adding greenery
Making the base tile
Hmmm. Not quite right yet.
More fairies from Gyo Fujikawa . . .
Made a stump, in case CM needs to sit…
Once upon a Fairy Forest.. CoraMaezy was telling the story of Puppers and Mouse to her friend Mouse-Mouse.
We hope you like our Fairy Forest suitcase world.