Collage Class Day One



It was so nice to meet up with a group of collage-minded creative peoples to work together and learn about important topics such as GLUE!  SCISSORS! and MAKING PHOTOCOPIES OF THINGS!

The first order of business was to discuss what makes a good surface to glue on.  For my personal collages, I like to use recycled materials.  Especially Mountain Dew cartons (For some reason I seem to have an abundance of them.)  I like to cut them to 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ rectangles (actually slightly smaller than that) so they fit inside sleeve protectors in the half-size ring binders.

I’ve been making these little bits for quite a few years now, kind of my version of a journal.

My favorite things:
Screenshot 2018-10-30 at 8.39.25 PM    Screenshot 2018-10-30 at 8.37.33 PM  Screenshot 2018-10-30 at 8.33.38 PM


For the first day of collage class I presented the students with image sheets, hot off the presses from Kinkos.  You can get your pdf copy here:   SCN_0010

It was fun to see how each student made distinctly different designs, using the same selection of images.  This was the one I made.


Tweed and Plaid


The edging is finished and the ruffle collar turned out. Now I am pondering a harvest gold dress and whether this coat needs pockets . . . And perhaps a closure of some sort. A big bow? A frog-knot? Just a couple buttons?

Sunny October Day


Trying to get the ambition rounded up to go buy groceries so I can make some soup for supper but meanwhile I’m stitching down the binding on a coat for CoraMaezy. The tweedy wool is from an old pair of slacks, the red plaid lining an old shirt. I’m loving the combination.

Have plans to add pockets or embroidery but my goal for tonight is to finish the binding and the sleeves.

Meanwhile, CoraMaezy is relaxing in her Burrito Wrap.

I put this together out of some amazing rose “print” velour and some canvas cloth. I’ve been worried that CoraMaezy is the worse for wear for being carted around in a tote bag all the time. Hopefully this will give her a bit more protection.

Okthen. It’s time to get my groceries!

What’s that you say?


CoraMaezy in her Thirteenth Doctor cosplay outfit.


She still needs a Fanny Pack? You are right. I promise to get on it.


In case you are interested in my patterns, I’ve traced them for you.  If you have any questions, feel free to message me.  <3

Coat front & back  SCN_0002  

Coat lining back: SCN_0007

Coat lining front: SCN_0003

Coat sleeves: SCN_0008

Coat hood: SCN_0006

T-shirt back and sleeve: SCN_0004 

T-shirt front: SCN_0005

Pants: SCN_0009

Sonic’ly delicious!


Christopher printed a Sonic Screwdriver for CoraMaezy!

Don’t tell Teddy, but he’s going to get one too . . . When I went to get this one from the printer, it prompted “one more?”. Why, yes!

Current state of the screwdriver:

Not happy with it yet, but it’s getting there . . .

Who’s that?


Been working on another project . . . I think this one could be . . . BRILLIANT.

As it stands now:


What we need: jacket do-over. Liking the lines, for the most part (need to make the sleeves skinnier), but the color is off. Should be grey. Also there should be band of blue on the outside hem and piping trim along the sleeves and pockets, and a rainbow trim where the lining meets the outer side. Which will probably need to be approximated because it was near impossible to find a rainbow trim 1/2″ wide for the T-shirt. Thinking my chances of 1/8″ rainbow trim are close to nil. Will ponder improvisation options. Meanwhile, also need to make the suspenders, find striped socks and put on her brown boots . . . And CoraMaezy will be ready for the convention!

Dr. Who 13

Ok ok. Still need to make one Sonic Screwdriver.

sonic screwdriver

Squee labs


Ever since she saw Lee and Pearl’s Luhboooratory, Miss CoraMaezy has wanted one of her own. Her collection of lab items has been growing and growing, and it’s about time she had a room of her own!

You might also want to check out Sew Joan Sew’s Mad Scientist lab . . .


We’re quite pleased with how her lab coat turned out . . . Now she needs an ID badge and some pencils in her pocket!

Oscar is not so happy with mum’s rainy day fun.

I can’t believe I found this great cupboard on the curb. It’s the perfect base for this project.

This is what it looked like when I found it. (Thank you neighbor people!)