Hi there! Thank you for checking out my website, which is a little of this and a little of that, but mostly an online memorandum to myself (and anyone who might be interested) about my various creative endeavors.
These days, my main hobby is sewing outfits for CoraMaezy, my Girl For All Time doll. She’s one of 7 dolls produced by a small company in England to represent different periods of time. There’s a facebook group for fans if you’d like to see more pics of the dolls.
But I still enjoy making collages, and am proud to have been asked to teach some classes in collage for the community college. There’s a million different techniques and styles, and it’s an honor to help students who are interested start cutting and pasting!
Even though CoraMaezy’s desire for new outfits has me distracted, I also enjoy piecing fabric bits together and making quilts. I hope to get some of those projects going once again. They feel so sad waiting there in their storage totes right there by my sewing machine.
And then, even though I’ve tried to resist, my fascination with the magic of bits of string being knotted together into sweaters, and the irresistible textures of yarn, have lured me in. I have knit several tiny sweaters full of (endearing?) mistakes, and am gradually developing some consistency in my stitches. It’s a pretty big challenge, but . . . YARN!
Here’s wishing you many hours of happy creativity! What are YOU working on?