In what was no doubt another insane gesture, last weekend I purchased a dollhouse from Facebook marketplace. A clue to the size: it would not fit into my hatchback. The seller ended up having her boyfriend deliver it in his truck.

Nifty quality that made me take the leap? The hinge. The dollhouse opens so you can access the rooms easier. It also has wheels! I love things with wheels. 😉
That said, first thing I did, to make it easier to work on, I’ve started by removing the wheels and the hinge.
I’m unsure of final color… Kind of thinking I’d like to do egg carton stones and have it be blonde limestone colored.
What needs to be done:
1. Roof needs patched.
2. Outside paint. I don’t care for the pink at all. (Although Katwise’s rainbow house is very appealing and tempting to try to replicate. Another home I love is that of Amy Sedaris. . . ( We’ll see!)
2a. Scrape the cardboard shutters off. Remove plastic windows. Clean hinge and latch.

3. Ponder whether I’m going to apply the wallpaper and other surface coverings directly to the house or perhaps cut cardboard inserts that I can cover and replace . . .

4. Brainstorm room styles….
5. Make furnitures etc.
Yu Ping and Shan are excited to think about their new home!

Some papers I found at Gomez Art Supply… So pretty!!