Bed Building Update


I’m fighting the woodworking on this–I think maybe my plywood was slightly warped?  There’s a learning curve going on here!  I decided I’m better off working on the soft parts for a while than getting frustrated.   I made a mattress out of quilt batting and some pink gingham duck cloth.  My tester thinks it makes an acceptable mattress . . .



I’m especially pleased with the mini pillow and case: IMG_20181114_213339864

In other “progress”, well, there’s not much on the furniture front.  Oscar (aka “The Dog”) helped provide basins for the sink unit and I’m pondering a coat hook as a faucet:


I’ve also been finishing up a pair of ruffle collar coats:


For now, it’s time to go to bed.  This poor kiddo had a tooth pulled today and even though I slept and slept this afternoon, I’d better get some sleep because tomorrow I need to prepare for my booth at the Maker Fair at the SAC Museum on the day after.  Cross your fingers that the snow they’ve predicted holds off a few days!

Makers Market

Hope you are having fun!