Collage Class Day One



It was so nice to meet up with a group of collage-minded creative peoples to work together and learn about important topics such as GLUE!  SCISSORS! and MAKING PHOTOCOPIES OF THINGS!

The first order of business was to discuss what makes a good surface to glue on.  For my personal collages, I like to use recycled materials.  Especially Mountain Dew cartons (For some reason I seem to have an abundance of them.)  I like to cut them to 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ rectangles (actually slightly smaller than that) so they fit inside sleeve protectors in the half-size ring binders.

I’ve been making these little bits for quite a few years now, kind of my version of a journal.

My favorite things:
Screenshot 2018-10-30 at 8.39.25 PM    Screenshot 2018-10-30 at 8.37.33 PM  Screenshot 2018-10-30 at 8.33.38 PM


For the first day of collage class I presented the students with image sheets, hot off the presses from Kinkos.  You can get your pdf copy here:   SCN_0010

It was fun to see how each student made distinctly different designs, using the same selection of images.  This was the one I made.
